Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Course I completed back in May.

State library staff,
I completed the NSW Public Library Learning 2.0 in May however upon not receiving my certificate I thought I had better check to see if everything was completed. I checked it and I couldn't find week 9 on my blogs. On the day my computer was very slow and I had trouble going into alot of sites, I must have forgot to blog about it. I'm so sorry and I do apology for not thinking to check on it earlier.
I hope everything is in order now, please let me know if there is anything else not completed
I did enjoy doing the course and found it very interesting
talk soon

Week 9 podcast 5th August 09

This one I found interesting but the computer was very slow. I was unable to open alot of sites on the day I did my course. I did get the idea of it and thought it would be good to use in big libraries, however I'm only from a small library and I don't think it would be suitable to us to use. Great to watch (what I could) though.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hi Cindy,
I haven't been following my blogs lately, hope the library is going well. Wondering if you could send me you blog address of your house. I tried to find it - but must have the wrong address. Just wondering how your house is going as we are now building ourselves.

Talk soon

Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 12 - successful networking

RR - I found this sort of networking to be interesting. To have facebook available in such websites as the National Musuem, The War Memorial is really keeping up with the times, which I only found out today. Facebook and My Space are just another world and I'm sure it is the way the world is turning. I think my little country library is not ready for facebook just yet!!!!

Week 11 - on line applications

RR - I didn't realise there was so much software available on the computer without installing them. Collaboration is such a good idea - I can really see it saves alot of time especially when you are so busy. It would work in our library in a number of areas. We could all set up a document on ideas on storytime and special events in the library. The author visit would make a good collaboration for the Riverina Regional Library and branches to use. The document could include introducing new ideas and improvements.

Week 10 - mashups

RR - Mashups are amazing - I really enjoyed creating my postage stamp. I have again discovered the hugh wide world of mashup etc. I'm really excited to show my children I can create a mashup. Using it in our library would be fun and to inform children/adults its available I think will be yet another tool to have in our library.

Week 8

RR - Week 8 was interesting "slamming the Boards" and the Taste web com. Also I found the yahoo 7 answers a really good tool. My library is in a country town so slamming the boards they would find interesting and following the slam boards. The knowledge and sharing the ideas is great, it gives the opportunity for everyone to enhance their views and to explore their knowledge.