Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 12 - successful networking

RR - I found this sort of networking to be interesting. To have facebook available in such websites as the National Musuem, The War Memorial is really keeping up with the times, which I only found out today. Facebook and My Space are just another world and I'm sure it is the way the world is turning. I think my little country library is not ready for facebook just yet!!!!


  1. Hi Helen,

    Love how you actually put the week before each post it makes it really easy to follow! I never think of things like that!

  2. Hi Cindy,
    I can't take all the credit for that- Cynthia had suggested it on our first week of training - hope you got back to Gundagai OK.
    What do you think of the Pete the Sheep book for NSS session???

  3. Hi,

    Good one on Week 12 - successful networking . If you are a network marketer and interested to know how to be successful and earn high income then can help you.

